Review Process
Authors submit their manuscripts electronically through the designated submission system of the journal or conference. Submissions should adhere to the formatting and submission guidelines provided by the venue.
Initial Check
Upon submission, the editorial office conducts an initial check to ensure that the manuscript meets basic requirements such as scope relevance, adherence to submission guidelines, and completeness of required components (abstract, keywords, references, etc.).
Assignment to Reviewers
The editor-in-chief or handling editor assigns the manuscript to potential reviewers based on their expertise and knowledge in the field of social computing. Reviewers are selected for their familiarity with the subject matter and their ability to provide insightful and constructive feedback.
Peer Review
Reviewers evaluate the manuscript based on the following criteria:
- Originality:Novelty and uniqueness of the research contribution.
- Significance:Relevance and importance of the research to the field of social computing.
- Methodology:Soundness and appropriateness of the research methods used.
- Results:Clarity and validity of the findings presented.
- Discussion and Conclusion:Interpretation of results and implications discussed.
Reviewers provide detailed comments and suggestions for improvement. They assess the manuscript's strengths and weaknesses, identify any ethical concerns (e.g., plagiarism, data fabrication), and make a recommendation regarding acceptance or rejection.
Editor's Decision
Based on the reviewers' comments and recommendations, the editor-in-chief or handling editor makes a decision on the manuscript. Possible decisions include:
- Acceptance:The manuscript is accepted for publication pending minor revisions or without revisions.
- Minor Revision:The manuscript requires minor revisions to address specific reviewer comments.
- Major Revision:The manuscript requires substantial revisions and will undergo another round of peer review.
- Reject and Resubmit:The manuscript is not suitable for publication in its current form but may be resubmitted after major revisions.
- Reject:The manuscript does not meet the journal's standards or scope and is rejected for publication.
Author Notification
Authors receive notification of the editor's decision, along with the reviewers' comments and recommendations. If revisions are required, authors are provided with a deadline for submitting the revised manuscript.
Revision and Resubmission
Authors revise the manuscript according to the reviewers' and editor's feedback. They provide a detailed response to each comment and explain how they addressed the concerns raised.
Final Decision
The revised manuscript undergoes a final evaluation by the editor or assigned reviewers to ensure that all concerns have been adequately addressed. The final decision on acceptance or rejection is communicated to the authors.
Accepted manuscripts are prepared for publication, including copyediting, typesetting, and proofreading. Authors may be required to sign a copyright agreement or license before publication.
Published articles are made available online and indexed in relevant databases. Authors are encouraged to promote their research and engage with the scholarly community through discussions and further dissemination of their findings.