Author Guidelines


Author Guidelines for Social Computing Research


These author guidelines provide essential information for authors submitting manuscripts to [Journal/Conference Name] in the field of social computing. Authors are encouraged to follow these guidelines to ensure their submissions meet the standards of the journal/conference and facilitate the review and publication process.

Manuscript Preparation

  • Formatting:Manuscripts should be prepared in accordance with the journal/conference's formatting guidelines. Typically, this includes using a specific template or formatting style for text, figures, tables, and references.
  • Length:Manuscripts should be concise yet comprehensive, typically between 6,000 to 8,000 words. Longer manuscripts may be considered, subject to the discretion of the editor.
  • Sections:Include essential sections such as Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methods, Results, Discussion, Conclusion, and References. Additional sections may be required based on the specific submission guidelines.

Originality and Ethics

  • Plagiarism:Ensure that all content is original and properly cited. Plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, is strictly prohibited and may result in rejection of the manuscript.
  • Ethical Considerations:Describe ethical considerations, including human subjects' approval, informed consent, and ethical handling of data. Follow ethical guidelines relevant to your research area.
  • Conflict of Interest:Disclose any conflicts of interest that may influence the research or its interpretation. This includes financial, personal, or professional relationships that could be perceived as influencing the work.

Submission Process

  • Electronic Submission:Submit manuscripts electronically through the journal/conference submission system. Follow the instructions provided for manuscript preparation and submission.
  • Cover Letter:Include a cover letter with your submission, briefly summarizing the significance of the research and confirming that the manuscript is not under consideration elsewhere.

Peer Review Process

  • Double-Blind Review:The journal/conference typically employs a double-blind peer review process. Ensure that author names and affiliations are removed from the manuscript to maintain anonymity during review.
  • Reviewer Suggestions:Authors may suggest potential reviewers with expertise in the subject matter, but the final selection is at the discretion of the editor.

Figures, Tables, and Supplementary Material

  • Formatting:Ensure that figures, tables, and supplementary material are clear, legible, and cited appropriately within the text.
  • Permissions:Obtain necessary permissions for any figures, tables, or content reproduced from other sources. Provide proper attribution and citation for all borrowed content.

Copyright and Licensing

  • Copyright:Authors retain the copyright to their work. Upon acceptance, authors will typically be asked to sign a copyright agreement or license allowing the journal/conference to publish and distribute the manuscript.
  • Licensing:Choose an appropriate Creative Commons license or similar terms to define how readers may reuse your work. Common licenses include CC BY (Attribution), CC BY-NC (Attribution-NonCommercial), and CC BY-NC-ND (Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives).

Revision and Resubmission

  • Revisions:Address reviewer comments and revise the manuscript accordingly. Provide a detailed response to each comment and highlight changes made in the revised manuscript.

Publication Ethics

  • Ethical Compliance:Ensure compliance with publication ethics, including honesty, integrity, and transparency in research and reporting.
  • Misconduct:Report any suspected misconduct, such as plagiarism or data fabrication, promptly to the editor-in-chief for investigation.

Contact Information

  • Include contact details for corresponding authors, including email addresses and affiliations, to facilitate communication throughout the submission, review, and publication process.